New Blackberry Dakota 9900 white (putih)

Blackberry Dakota white (putih)
Blackberry Dakota is currently being discussed banya gadget world. The presence of white BlackBerry Dakota has not introduced directly by the Canadian vendor (RIM). Specification : BlackBerry Dakota still using 2.8 inch wide screen, 1.2 GHz processor, 768 MB RAM, and 8GB of internal storage.

From the features it is equipped with a 5 megapixel camera and video recording 720p HD-capable and are buried the BlackBerry OS 7.
BlackBerry Bold 9900 has a thickness of only 10.5 mm, making it very easy to put in a pocket without disrupting users. RIM also claims this is the thinnest BlackBerry ever they make.


Anonymous said...

Saya Suka Tapi Kenapa Boros Ya?? Hmmm...

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